Sleeping Bags for Kids
Backpacking, camping and scouting are great outdoor activities for children and adolescents, but they do require some proper equipment such as a good backpack, sleeping…

Below you can find our suggestions for the best products within various categories of lightweight sleeping gear for hiking, such as tents, hammocks, bivy sacks, sleeping bags etc. Sleeping equipment for hiking trips should not just keep you dry and warm during the night, but also be as packable and light as possible.
All Recommended Sleeping Equipment
Backpacking, camping and scouting are great outdoor activities for children and adolescents, but they do require some proper equipment such as a good backpack, sleeping…
Here we selected and reviewed the best winter sleeping bags for backpacking. A sleeping bag is probably the most important piece of sleeping equipment because…
Quilts are gaining favor among hikers, backpackers, and mountaineers for their lighter, less bulky, and more adaptable nature compared to traditional mummy sleeping bags. Diverging…
A tarp is basically a sheet of waterproof fabric which can be attached with guylines to trees, trekking poles, rocks and other stabile things to…
A portable shelter proves indispensable for multi-day outdoor adventures, granting the freedom to set up camp in various locations without the need to reach traditional…
It is important to have good sleeping equipment on backpacking trips because it keeps you warm and comfortable during the nights. A sleeping bag is…