Backpacking, camping and scouting are great outdoor activities for children and adolescents, but they do require some proper equipment such as a good backpack, sleeping pad, sleeping bag etc. A good sleeping bag keeps your child comfortable and warm while he/she is camping out in nature. The offer of high-quality sleeping bags for kids is, unfortunately, very limited in comparison to the many options for us adults. However, we did find some great brands that make good sleeping bags for kids. Note that the sleeping bag must fit the size of the child to be thermally efficient. Sleeping bags for kids are therefore shorter and narrower than sleeping bags for adults to snugly enclose the body of the young outdoor enthusiast. Using a too big sleeping bag is almost like wearing a too big insulated jacket – it will not keep you warm because a big percentage of the body-warmed air will escape to the outside through the gaps. A too spacious sleeping bag also takes longer to heat up for a small person because a bigger volume must be filled with body-warmed air.
Below we selected and reviewed the best sleeping bags for kids to make your buying decision a little easier. We only listed high-quality sleeping bags that come for a great price. The sleeping bags in this review are suitable for children who measure from 3′3″ (100 cm) to 5′6″ (167 cm) in height – see the table below. Two of them are adjustable in length to follow the growth of your child. If you are looking for a sleeping bag for a toddler/baby you should check out our first-hand review of the Morrison Outdoors Little Mo which we thoroughly tested on our hiking trips. All sleeping bags in this review are suitable for three-season outdoor activities; spring, summer and fall.
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1. Our Picks of Sleeping Bags for Kids

The Best Sleeping Bags for Kids
- Big Agnes Duster 15
- Kelty Kids Mistral 20
- Morrison Outdoors Big Mo 40
- Marmot Kids Trestles 30
- REI Co-op Kindercone 25
2. Comparison of Sleeping Bags for Kids
Feature/Product | Big Agnes Duster 15 | Kelty Kids Mistral 20 | Morrison Outdoors Big Mo 40 | Marmot Kids Trestles 30 | REI Co-op Kindercone 25 |
Weight | 2 lbs. 14 oz. (1300 g) | 2 lbs. 10 oz. (1200 g) | 1 lbs. 3 oz. (539 g) | 2 lbs. 9 oz. (1162 g) | 3 lbs. 3 oz. (1474 g) |
Fits Heights (Metric) | 4'5" to 5'6" (135 cm to 168 cm) | Up to 5 feet (152 cm) | Up to 4´6´' (137cm) | Up to 5 feet (152 cm) | Up to 5’6’’ (167 cm) |
Adjustable | Yes (by snap fasteners) | No | No | No | Yes (via stuff sack) |
Insulation Type | M4 synthetic fill | Synthetic CloudLoft | Hi-Loft Polyester | Marmot SpiraFil | Polyester fibers |
Face Fabric | Polyester Rip-stop | 190 T Polyester Taffeta | 100 % Ripstop Nylon | 70D 100% Polyester embossed | Ripstop nylon |
Packed Volume/Size | 9 x 20 in. (23 x 51 cm) | 10 x 17 in. (25 x 43 cm) | 8 x 15 in. (20 x 38 cm) | 8.27 liters | 12 x 16 in. (30 x 41 cm) |
Limit Temperature | 15° F (-9° C) | 20° F (-7° C) | 40° F (4° C) | 30° F (-1° C) | 25° F (-4° C) |
3. The Selection
1. Big Agnes Duster 15
The Big Agnes Duster 15 shines as an exceptional choice for kids’ sleeping bags, boasting an adjustable length feature that caters to youths ranging from 4’5″ to 5’6″ (135 cm to 168 cm). This convenient adaptability is achieved through a simple folding mechanism at the bag’s end, secured effortlessly with snap fasteners—a feature we found really great. Furthermore, the sleeping bag offers remarkable flexibility in width adjustment, courtesy of hooks and loops, complemented by a convenient sleeve at the bottom for hassle-free attachment to a sleeping pad. Its insulation prowess is unmatched, owing to the premium M4 synthetic insulation, which ensures optimal warmth even in colder conditions. We were equally impressed by the sturdy, water-repellent face fabric and the smooth, comfortable polyester lining, striking the perfect balance between comfort and durability. To enhance convenience, the bag features two loops at the bottom, facilitating easier drying—a thoughtful addition appreciated by users. Big Agnes further demonstrates its commitment to quality with offerings tailored for smaller children: The Little Red (up to 4′ = 122 cm) and Wolverine (up to 5′ = 152 cm). Each bag comes complete with a practical stuff sack and is exclusively available in vibrant red, blending practicality with style for young adventurers.
- Warmth
- Adjustable in length
- Adjustable in width
- Sleeve for sleeping pad
- A bit pricey
- Limited color options
Where to buy?
Also available at:

2. Kelty Kids Mistral 20
The Kelty Kids Mistral sleeping bag for children offers versatility with two temperature-rated versions: 20 ºF and 30 ºF, catering to various weather conditions. The Mistral 20 boasts 30.51 ounces (865 g) of Cloudloft Synthetic Insulation for superior warmth, while the lighter version contains 26 ounces (740 g) of the same insulation. Although we noticed the Mistral 20 to be slightly bulkier when packed, both models weigh the same and comfortably accommodate children up to a height of 5 feet (152 cm). Each version is available in two vibrant color combinations, adding a touch of excitement to outdoor adventures. Designed with children in mind, the Mistral features robust materials and offset baffle construction to prevent cold spots, ensuring a snug and cozy sleep experience. It comes with a conveniently sized stuff which we found very useful. It enables your child to pack up the Kelty Kids sleeping bag by itself rather having someone else (you!) roll and compress it for 10 minutes to fit into some narrow holster.
- Particularly suitable for tweens (up to 5 feet tall)
- Durable materials
- Offset baffle construction to eliminate cold spots
- Spacious footbox for restless little feet
- Limited color options
- Lack of adjustable features like length or width

3. Morrison Outdoors Big Mo 40
Morrison Outdoors caters to the youngest adventurers with their innovative sleeping bags, or “sleep suits,” designed specifically for tiny hikers and outdoor enthusiasts! Named after the founder’s son, the newly established brand offers sleeping solutions for babies (aged 6 months to 2 years) and toddlers (2-4 years) up to 4’6″ (137cm) tall: the Little Mo and Big Mo, respectively. Each size is available in both down and synthetic versions to suit individual preferences and needs. For this list, we’ve selected the Morrison Outdoors Big Mo 40, featuring synthetic insulation ideal for temperatures ranging from 40°F to 60°F (4°C to 15°C). A standout feature of the Big Mo 40 (and its counterpart, the Little Mo 40) is the adjustable open-and-close sleeves, allowing your toddler to freely move their hands while awake and securely tucking them away inside the closed sleeve during sleep—a design innovation that we found truly remarkable. Moreover, the two-way zipper grants complete control over ventilation, enabling adjustment based on your child’s comfort level throughout the night.
- Open-and-close sleeves
- Fully-enclosed footbox
- Two-way zipper for adjustable ventilation
- Price for the limited age range
- Limited sizing options compared to other brands
4. Marmot Kids Trestles 30
The Marmot Kids Trestles 30 sleeping bag, measuring 60 inches in length, is designed to accommodate children up to five feet tall (152 cm) and does not offer adjustable length. Crafted with a durable 70-denier face fabric and a cozy polyester lining, this sleeping bag ensures both durability and comfort. Filled with 24 oz. (680 g) of SpiraFil LT insulation, it offers excellent compressibility for convenient packing. Notable features of the Marmot kids sleeping bag include an adjustable hood, a trapezoidal 3D foot box, and two zippers: a full-length locking YKK two-way zipper with an anti-snag slider, and a secondary fold-down zipper for enhanced ventilation and easy access. While the Marmot Kid’s Trestles 30 sleeping bag has been a staple for some time, offering a variety of color combinations, it remains a reliable choice for young adventurers. Additionally, it includes a stuff sack for effortless carrying and features drying loops at the bottom for added convenience. The only drawback we noted about this sleeping bag is its slightly heavier weight.
- Robust face fabric for good durability
- Compressible and moisture-resistant SpiraFil insulation
- Anatomically shaped footbox for extra warmth and comfort
- Limited color options
- Slightly heavier compared to some alternatives
Where to buy?
5. REI Co-op Kindercone 25
The REI Co-op Kindercone 25 sleeping bag for kids offers the convenience of adjustable length, similar to the Big Agnes Duster 15, making it adaptable to your child’s growth. This method involves attaching the stuff sack at the foot box of the sleeping bag, allowing you to easily cinch it around any excess material, ensuring a snug fit for your child’s current height. While this design prevents the stuff sack from being misplaced, it may require a bit of practice for your child to master the packing process. Equipped with a two-way antisnag coil zipper, the REI Co-op Kindercone 25 provides versatility by allowing ventilation for the legs when needed. The adjustable hood, featuring a drawcord and a stretch opening around the face, ensures a comfortable and secure fit. With multiple colors to choose from, the sleeping bag boasts a lightweight and durable ripstop nylon shell in solid colors, complemented by a soft polyester taffeta interior adorned with funky prints. We think this sleeping bag is a solid choice due to its quality and adjustability.
- Adjustable in length (fits kids up to a height of 5’6’’/167 cm)
- Bluesign-approved shell material
- Stuff sack is attached, so it can’t be lost
- Stuff sack attachment may require some practice to pack efficiently
4. Buying a Kid’s Sleeping Bag – What is important?
Sleeping bags have either synthetic or down insulation. Down insulation provides better warmth for the weight and compressibility but is also very expensive and quickly loses its insulating properties if it gets wet/moist. Synthetic insulation, on the other hand, is cheaper and retains warmth even if it gets wet or moist.
Sleeping bags for kids typically feature synthetic insulation because they have a limited utility span – at some point the child will need an adult sleeping bag and thus it doesn’t make sense to buy a very pricey down sleeping bag. Furthermore, down sleeping bags are mostly aimed towards pros who need super light gear for their demanding trips. Note that synthetic insulation comes in a range of qualities and that the best can almost compete with down. On this list of the best sleeping bags for kids we made it a priority to include products with high-quality synthetic insulation. Some of the products do come in down versions as well, but unless your kids are going camping in very cold weather, synthetic insulation should do the job.
Weight and Packed Size:
A sleeping bag should be relatively light and pack small, especially if it will be used for on-foot outdoor activities such as hiking, backpacking and scouting. Light equipment will allow your child to hike faster and easier. In this selection we listed the lightest sleeping bags for kids we could find without compromising quality.
Face Fabric:
The face fabric should be sturdy to extend the lifespan of the sleeping bag. It should also be water-resistant to prevent the sleeping bag from getting soaked in case of rain or high humidity.
As mentioned above, the length of the sleeping bag should fit the height of your child somewhat in order to be thermally efficient. Sadly, fewer and fewer children’s sleeping bags can be adjusted in length, so it can be expanded gradually to follow the growth of your child. Check out the comparison table above to see which height(s) each listed product fits.
Temperature Rating:
Since the widely used EN 13537 temperature rating standard does not apply to children (it applies only to adult men and women), manufacturers of sleeping bags for kids typically use their own methods to determine which temperatures their sleeping bags are suitable for. Note that these ratings do not apply perfectly to everyone because for example women get colder faster than men. Therefore, it is important to test the sleeping bag close to home before using it for real.
In this review we only listed mummy sleeping bags as these are the most versatile; they snugly enclose the body to provide good warmth and can be unzipped for ventilation.