Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid
Not many things are as important as boots when it comes to hiking. Hiking boots should provide good grip, ankle support and comfort. There are many different types of hiking boots available but not all are suitable for every terrain. For example if you are planning to do “Via Ferrata” routes you will need hiking boots with a stiffer sole which are less comfortable on long simple routes. Therefore, you should always buy boots which fit your area of activity.
Salewa offers a broad range of hiking boots. I have been using tehse on my “Hiking Iceland” tour for 2 months and here is what I learned.
The Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid boots are suitable for:
- Hiking
- Mountaineering
- Scrambling
- Via Ferrata
Material and technology
The Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid has an upper made out of synthetic fabric and suede leather. The upper is reinforced in the crucial areas with a rubber-like material. The reinforcement goes all around the lower part of the upper to protect it against abrasion. There is a lot of stitching in this part of the boot, but the stitches seem very well made and so far I haven’t noticed any quality issues. The boot uses a Gore-Tex membrane which protects your feet against water and at the same time provides great breathability.
The boot is equipped with the Vibram Mulaz sole unit which is designed for the best performance on a rocky terrain. It has broad support surfaces at the tip, also known as the climb zone – it actually says that on the sole. The lugs are a little less deep than on more walking-oriented boots but In general the sole offers good traction.
Additionally, the boot features the 3F System which ensures good ankle support but at the same time offers the required flexibility. During the testing period I quickly noticed that the fit is really great in the ankle area – comfortable and supportive.
The so-called climbing lacing is another good thing about this boot. The lacing extends further towards the toe area than on other boots. This allows you to tighten the fit in the toe area and therefore get more precise feel when scrambling.
The boot weighs 745 g (1490 g pair) which is a reasonable weight for a scrambling boot with a stiffer sole.
Comfort and fit
When I wore the Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid for the first time, I noticed that the sole is much stiffer than on other boots. However, I got used to it and now the boot feels fine for walking. I wore these boots on some quite long hiking trips that required a lot of walking on a flat terrain (for instance the Helgafell Trail) and I felt completely comfortable in them. Maybe the sole has also become a bit more flexible after time. However, I was really surprised over their performance on a rocky terrain. The grip is incredible and the boot offers a very precise feel.
The fit is also good and the boot doesn’t cause any pain or blisters, even when wearing it for hours. As I already described above, the 3F technology offers a really great fit in the ankle area. The boot is a bit narrower in the toe area than I expected but I didn’t notice any problems because of that. In contrary, due to the narrower toe area it allows you to climb easier on a rocky terrain.
I used the Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid on Ulfarsfell, Helgafell and Mount Esja trail. The Ulfarsfell trail is more or less a walking trail and I was a bit worried using boots with quite stiff soles on it. However, the boots performed well and I can say that I was completely comfortable in them. I got to know the real performance of the boots on Helgafell and Mount Esja trail which offer more rocky terrain and steeper climbs; I simply can’t say a single bad thing about it. The boots are comfortable, provide great grip and make the climb safe. I would especially recommend the Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid to scrambling and “Via Ferrata” enthusiasts.
Note: Salewa has released a new version of the Mountain Trainer Mid boot. The new model differs only in design from the model I’ve been testing.
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I field tested this product. The rating shows its overall performance.About Rating
- Great grip on a rocky terrain
- Comfort in ankle area
- Climbing lacing
- Quality
- Durability
- Not as comfortable for walking as walking-oriented boots
Where to buy?
Salewa mens MS Mountain Trainer Mid Gore-TEX High Rise Hiking Shoes, Grey (Charcoal/Papavero), 12 US
Also available at:
Note: Link to the latest version of the boot!
Are you sure the boots you are testing are the same with the ones in the link??? They don’t even look the same. Are the photos not of the Alp model? Whether they are or not, they look different from any angle from the actual ms mountain trainer mid.
There is a note at the bottom of the review saying: Salewa has released a new version of the Mountain Trainer Mid boot. The new model differs only in design from the model I’ve been testing.
So, my Salewa Mountain Trainer Mid boots are the old model from 2015. By the way I still use these boots, they seem indestructible 🙂
So far Salewa customer service has been non existant. Having bought a pair of approach/hiking shoes from them i have found that they’re pretty much not waterproof and have had a couple of additional problems. I am not able to contact them to rectify the problem.
Damn, this sucks. I’m happy I didn’t have to deal with their customer service. However, soon I’ll need a new pair of hiking boots – I’ve had these for more than 3 years now. This time I’ll probably go for Lowa.
Perfect hiking boot, but you will probably require one-half size larger. For example, I normally wear 11.5, and Salewa 12 fits me perfectly. And do yourself another favor, wear Darn Tough socks with them …
Great review !
I’ve had the same boots for almost 10yrs and thrown all sorts at them, including many long distance walks, the boots have been great ! I’ve waterproofed them regularly to keep the mud off them, I’d definitely recommend them
Hi Mike,
I’ve had them for 6 years now and I still wear them regularly for hiking and mountaineering. I’ll probably replace them in the summer because the outsole is quite worn out. But besides this they are almost like new, and I’ve worn them on hundreds of different hikes and alpine ascents. I don’t know if the newer models provide the same level of durability but these boots have been one of my best purchases ever.
Maybe an option, Blaz, instead of buying a new pair of boots, is to have those ones resoled?
It’d be cheaper, and if the uppers are in as great a condition as stated, it’s pretty much a no-brainer.
If, like Meindl, Salewa will replace the footbed, laces, and rand, as well – you’ll be effectively getting a brand new pair of boots.
Hi Boron,
That’s a really good idea. I need to check if Salewa resoles old shoes. So far, I’ve only found this https://www.salewa.com/care-and-repair. I’ll contact their customer service and ask.
Best regards,